Friday, May 11, 2012

this week, according to my iPhone


This week, my mom and step dad came in from Palm Beach, my little brother from Pensacola, and my big brother and his family from Honolulu (yeah we are all spread out)! It has been so nice getting to spend time with them all, as well as have a few extra hands to help out with Isabelle :) 

My niece Madison is just about 6 weeks old and SO adorable, as you can see! Strangely, holding this little newborn kind of scared me! It's crazy, but it seems like I already forgot what is was like to hold Isabelle when she was that young! Time really does just fly by...

I am going to be so sad when they all go back home to their FAR away cities, but I am so very thankful for the time I've been able to spend with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Spending time with the family is the best feeling! These are such adorable photos, and I LOVE your sunglasses by the way!
