Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dear Isabelle

You have been growing up way too fast this past month. You have been changing so much! You are more interactive with us, which I love. You play with us, kiss us, give us high fives, and are always curious about what we're doing. You clap your little hands and smile when your toys play music and sometimes you dance. It is the cutest thing.

You've been such a good eater. You love your whole wheat pasta with marinara! You walk around like you rule the house. You don't like when there's a closed door between you and your mama! You love playing with keys and pushing around your baby stroller. You also love playing with mama's purses and jewelery, and sometimes you try to put on my shoes (you're a girly girl in the making)!

You make a dash for the front door whenever it opens. Your prime target when you get into the bathroom is the toilet paper...don't know how many rolls I've had to wrestle from your hands. You are starting to really mimic our actions (both exciting and a little scary). Just the other day you tried to clean your own ear with a q-tip and later you knew to put our thermometer in your ear! 

I love you and am so proud to be there as you grasp more and more new things and continue growing.

Love Always,

Monday, July 16, 2012

back to the lone star state

Last week we got back home to Houston, and here are some photos of what we've been up to since then!

1. She was all smiles before our flight took off (a different story once we got on the plane)
2. Having a snack outside at church
3. Neon pants. I was feeling bold
4. The Acai Super Antioxidant from Jamba Juice, minus the sherbert!
5. Turned around to snap a photo of that cutie at a stop light
6. She loves her smoothies!
7. Good friends hook you up with free froyo
8. My little diva playing with mama's purse and jewelery

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday America

Happy 4th of July! Isabelle saw her first fireworks show tonight! She pointed up at the sky and would whisper, "ooooh." Pretty darn cute.

Tonight is our last night in Florida. I'm pretty sad to say bye to my parents but ready to head on home. Crossing my fingers for a smooth plane ride!