Saturday, June 23, 2012

snapshots from the week

...a week that included my ever so cute sidekick, relaxing with a glass of Riesling, parking lot pictures, a play date, and a new tattoo!

Monday, June 18, 2012

summer lovin'

 what I'm loving so far this summer:
  1. No classes at all...though I am itching to just get school over and done with
  2. Iced soy chai tea lattes, please
  3. Having time to read more. just finished the Fifty Shades trilogy!
  4. Pool time with baby girl
  5. Seeing Isabelle loved on by Grandma & Grandpa...gonna be sad when we go back home
  6. Iron & Wine and Mumford & Sons stations on Pandora to accompany me through the day
  7. Colored skinnies & pops of neon
  8. Fresh blueberries & blackberries 
  9. A DVR full of summer shows
  10. Florida sunshine & even Florida thunderstorms

This will probably be my very last summer off in a who knows how long so I'm going to try and take advantage of it as much as I can. So far its been pretty chill (well aside from toddler tantrums heh) but I definitely want to get into productivity mode for the rest of summer! Hope everyone else's summer has been grand so far. Love & joy to you all!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear Isabelle

at 12 months you:

-are throwing those toddler tantrums like crazy...not too fun for Mommy
-have successfully switched to whole milk
-dance to music by swaying back and forth, so cute!
-are trying more foods
-love to push and drag things around- be it your baby stroller, chairs, or shopping carts
-are now climbing on the couch and most of the time are able to crawl back off without Mommy's help
-love seeing Grandma walk through the door. You race to her and throw your hands up excitedly.
-still love the outdoors, walking and exploring
-like shutting doors for some reason
-are still as clever as ever. When you sense you have something you're not supposed to you smile and quickly run away from Mommy
-have started walking around backwards sometimes...which results in a lot of collisions with the wall...silly girl
-are of course still so very very loved<3

Friday, June 8, 2012

a work in progress

I am a firm believer in always bettering yourself, and I'll be the first to admit that I am a work in progress. I have so many goals and desires for my life that have yet to be achieved. Lately, I've been pretty down about some things going on that are beyond my control- things that I never thought I'd have to struggle with, but I have decided that I'm going to look forward. I'm going to turn pain into strength. I'm going to think positive. I'm going to actively work towards what I out of life. I'm going to make the best out of every situation.

 Here are some of the goals I want to focus on:

 -to finish nursing school

-to always do what is best for my daughter and be the best mother I can be

-to forgive, and to never let the world harden my heart

-to live with grace and humility

-to complain less and focus on my blessings

-to get fit and accustom myself to a healthier lifestyle

-to find enjoyment in getting ready each day, rather than it being another task

-to better appreciate and grow closer to my family

-to surround myself with positivity, inspiration, and more music

-to have fun and enjoy the beautiful things in life!

-to never give in to apathy

-to never forsake love

Here's to a new day :) 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

a 1st birthday

a few snapshots from Isabelle's birthday yesterday:

Of course she had no idea it was her birthday, but I'm sure she did not mind all the attention, cake, new toys, and late bedtime :)

my 1 year old

Dear Isabelle,

I can’t believe a year has already passed. Twelve months ago today they placed your tiny 6 lb, 12 oz body in my arms, and my life was forever changed. You have taught me so much about myself and about life. You have made me a stronger and more resilient person. Motherhood has had its struggles, but it has been so rewarding to watch you grow, to see you accomplish new things, to see you grasp new concepts. You are my wild child. My stubborn and sassy diva. My clever and curious explorer. I love you. I love seeing you light up and smile. I love hearing you laugh and talk. I love the way you say, “maamaa.” I love seeing your personality develop. I love the way you run to me when you’re scared, the way you know I’m your safe place. I love that you are mine.

I will forever be your fierce protector. I will always work to do what is best for you and make sure you have the opportunities to reach your highest potential. I will love you, today and always. 


"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be ." <3